A Berlin-based non-profit organisation.
Initiated by Illuseum Berlin in 2024.
Supporting artists and local projects.
What are we committed to?
The aim of illuseum.org is to support both artists and locally active organisations that have dedicated their art or work entirely to environmental protection.
The artists and organisations and their projects are selected in a careful process to ensure that the financial support reaches the right place and that the use of the funds is traceable, transparent, and beneficial to environmental intitiatives.

Small, efficient, transparent
As a small non-profit, we are flexible, can adapt quickly to changes and respond to challenges. Our flat hierarchy, personal approach and less bureaucracy ensure that all the fundings will directly go to the artists and projects.
A fully transparent annual report is published every year. No ifs, no buts.

Business with a cause
illuseum.org was founded by Michael Posch, the owner of Illuseum Berlin.
In addition to bearing the entire operating costs, a portion of the proceeds from Illuseum Berlin goes directly to illuseum.org, which uses these funds to support and finance both artists and projects in the field of environmental and nature conservation including education, outreach, and community involvement.

Why are we taking action?
Every year, millions of tonnes of plastic end up in the sea, endangering marine animals and ending up finally again as microplastics in our drinking water, food, and even in our bodies.
Instead of producing less plastic, we are doing exactly the opposite: we produce and consume more and more.
Ghost nets and discarded fishing gear are responsible for the deaths of millions of animals.
Fish stocks are ruthlessly exploited through overfishing, Bycatch and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) are dramatically worsening the situation.
In addition, oil drilling and the extraction of raw materials are destroying sensitive and unique ecosystems. Intensive agriculture leads to the uncontrolled growth of algae, which pollutes and kills huge habitats.
Every day, toxic wastewater is discharged into our oceans via rivers from places far from the coasts. ​
The alarmingly increasing warming of the oceans due to climate change is doing the rest and is not only causing the loss of ancient coral reefs, but is also increasingly changing the weather, resulting in more violent storms and devastating floods.
Millions of people are affected, many will have to leave their homes in the coming years and migrate to other places and countries.
Mass tourism is threatening and destroying our natural beaches, our mangrove forests and underwater worlds near and far from the shore.​
Pollution of the oceans by light and sound causes hundreds of thousands of sea creatures to suffer and die every year.
The consequences of our actions are real - we are not only killing marine life, but also our own future and that of our children.